ASKQANCE 2010 – high school, junior college, college quizzes

We will hold the second part of our anniversary quiz-festival ASKQANCE 2010 on Sunday 11 July 2010 at the Institute of Agricultural Technologists, Queen’s Road, Bangalore. The events planned include a High School Quiz, a Junior College quiz and an Inter-collegiate quiz.

KQA High School Championships

Teams of 2 members
Two teams per school
No entry fee

Registrations: 1000hrs
Prelims: 1015hrs
Finals for 8 teams: 1100-1230hrs

Prizes for all finalists.

QM: Arul Mani

KQA Intercollegiate Championships

Teams of three members
Unlimited entries, two teams in the finals
Entry Fee: Rs. 50 per team.
Separate finals for Junior CollegeĀ  and Inter-Collegiate events
Junior College (PUC/XI and XII) teams can qualify for both events.

Registrations: 1330hrs onwards
Prelims: 1400hrs
Junior College Finals: 1515-1630hrs
Inter-College Finals: 1630-1800hrs.

Prizes for all finalists.

QMs (Junior College)
Arun Hiregange and Venkatesh S.

QMs (Inter-Collegiate Quiz)
Thejaswi Udupa and Mitesh Agarwal