Go Ogle Redux November
If you missed the prelims, access them here:
The finals of Go Ogle Redux will be held at 8:30 pm, on Saturday 21 November 2020. This will be a five round affair with one cryptic round and four never-before and never-again new rounds.
The finalists are:
1. Curry Troops – Nikhil Gupta, Adheesh Ghosh, Adil Jacob
2. Strangers in Discord; Abhishek, Sohail, Paul, Arnuv
3. DireWolves, Atul, Prithwiraj, Bedbyas, Somasish
4. Pramod, Allen, Sachin
. FTL:: Aditya, Andrew, Ghanashyam, Apaar
6. B2B: Anirudh S, Swetha G, Nidhi S
7. The Moops of Spain (Jayakanthan, Ashwin, Gopal, Swami)