Quiz on Sunday 28 March 2010
We will hold an Open Quiz on Sunday, 28th March 2010 (scheduled to start at 4pm) at The Institute of Agricultural Technologists, Queen’s Road, Bangalore.
The other quizzes scheduled for the 28th have been postponed to allow members to cast their votes at the BBMP Elections which will be conducted across the city from 7am to 5pm.
Registrations: 4pm
Prelims: 4:30 pm
Finals: 5:30pm to 7:30 pm
Teams of 4 members
Open to all
Entry Fee: Rs. 50/-
QMs: Karthik Shashidhar, Aadisht Khanna and others of the team No Enthu Da.
No Enthu Da will conduct the quiz simultaneously at Chennai and Mumbai.
Prizes for all finalists.
March 25, 2010 | Filed Under News, Open Quizzes