Open quizzes – 5th January 2020

The Karnataka Quiz Association will be conducting two quizzes on 5th January (Sunday) at the Ujjivan head office in Koramangala. [map]

11:00 amComikazee – the comics quiz, by Siddarth and Sohan. A quiz for the brain and drawn (ha) from all things animated (sometimes even anime), cartoons, comics and all the characters in between. “Prepare to get inky” – QM’s note.

It is a written quiz for teams of up to two. Open to all.


2:30 pmThe KQA Music Quiz, aka Toto Recall by Berty and Juno. The boys are back in town to host one of the most popular quizzes on the calendar. A quiz on musc, enough said. Some exposure to memes may occur.

It is a prelims/finals quiz for teams of up to four. Open to all.


You can also get the latest updates on the KQA by following us at or

If you know of anyone who would like to be a part of the KQA Quiz Announcements WhatsApp group, please have them send a WhatsApp message to +91 9902444486