Go Ogle Redux Prelims on 1 August 2020



We ran a small test-version of  our Go Ogle, souped-up, or down, for teams of four, in July. It was fun, for the QM. So we are having it again. If there is any enthu, we might have it every month.

The rules

  1. Form a team of four, and register before 8 pm. Free entry.
  2. Attempt the prelims here, at 8:45 pm.
  3.  The form is timed to stop at 9:30 pm
  4. Answers at 9:30 pm, on our Discord server.
  5. 8 teams qualify, for the finals which are scheduled for the same time, next week.

Go Ogle?

We don’t like G0oglers. People do it, nevertheless. We try to make that effort hard, or pointless. With varying success. Bit of a test of endurance. Please don’t bring children, and delicate souls, poor things.

The questions are set by Arul Mani.  Feedback is a great thing for electric guitars.


Blossom Book House  coupons for top three teams. Will be given out at KQA Anniversary.

To view the questions
Click here.

Prelim Results:

49 teams registered, 25 completed. Our finalists, after checking thrice, are as follows:

  1.  QED, Jayakanthan, Samanth, Swami, Gopal:28
  2. BMQJ/WALTWO, Tups, Santosh, Manu, Udupa:27
  3. Aardvarks- Rahul, Amrit, Kaustubh, Arjo:21
  4. Shafeeq S, Ashwin Menon, Prasanth Vijay, Prasanth John Abraham:17
  5. Preetham Upadhya, Baibaswata Jena, Anshul Nasery, Adarsh Kumar Mohapatra:14
  6. Paddy Power. Anirudh, Shahswat, Kunal, Siddhanth:11
  7. Badagara to BengaluruL Anirudh, Swetha, Neetha, Gopinadhan: 5
  8. Ben Stokes: 3

The finals will beheld at about 8:30 pm on Saturday, 8th August on our Discord server.