Results of quizzes on held on 15 April, Solus Rex and 30 April

Results of quizzes held on April 30:

As Seen On, the KQA TV Quiz, by Santosh Swaminathan, Manish Achutha, and Rajat Gururaj

I – Varun Rajiv, Harman Singh – 47 points
II – Rishiraj Shanmuganandan, Santosh V Murthy – 40 points
III – Anirudh Raman, Umesh – 39 points

Chronosynclastic Infundibulum, volume 9, a quiz on science fiction, fantasy, horror, and somesuch by Thejaswi Udupa

I – Avinash Thirumalai, Hrishikesh Varma – 41.5 points
II – Varun Rajiv, Santosh Swaminathan – 40.5 points
III – Rishiraj Shanmuganandan, Santosh V Murthy – 39 points

C. The April Open Quiz, by Ramakrishnan M, Ajay Parasuraman, Suresh Ramasubramanian

I – Anirudh Raman, Venkataraman Ravindra, Mukilan Ayyapparaj, Puranjit Sanyal, Santosh Swaminathan – 260 points
II – Venkatasubramanian Chandrashekaran, Giri Prasanna M, Tejas BS, Rajat Gururaj, Thejaswi Udupa – 240 points
III – Shafeeq Syed, Santosh V Murthy, Anirudh RS, Arul Mani – 220 points

Congratulations to all the winners.

Results of Solus Rex semifinals:

After sustaining a barrage of 120 questions from Arun Hiregange and Thejaswi Udupa, here are the top 8 who make it through to the Solus Rex finals, to be held in early June.

1. Ashwin Kumar – 316
2. Debashree Mitra – 272
3. Chandrakant Nair – 226
4. Manu Sudhakar – 223
5. Varun Rajiv – 222
6. Santosh Swaminathan – 205
7. Preetham Upadhyaya – 161
8. Keshav Atreya – 150

Congratulations to all the finalists.

Congratulations also to Dinesh Krithivasan who wins the best guest question prize. Honourable mentions also to Govind Krishnamurthi and Ramesh Athreya whose questions made the cut.

Results of quizzes on April 15:

The History of Ideas Quiz, by Navin Rajaram:

I – Varun Rajiv and Santosh Swaminathan – 48.5
II – Arul Mani and Prithwiraj Mukherjee – 47
III – Praveen V.R. and Avinash T.N. – 44.5

The Food Quiz, by Lakshana Kripash, Mitesh Agarwal and Santosh Swaminathan:

I – How 2 Eat Lyk (Ashwin Kumar, Varun Rajiv, Navin Rajaram and Priyambad) – 204
II – Sreyashi, Abhishek, Arjun and Abhilash – 164
III – SJC Quizzers (Arul Mani, Avinash T.N., Prithwiraj Mukherjee) – 148

Congratulations to all the winners!

Solus Rex Semifinals on 22nd April, 2018

The semifinals of Solus Rex will be held on 22nd April for the top 25 from the gruelling 60 question prelims that happened in November.

As is traditional for Solus Rex, there will be certain specialist topics that they can be expected to be asked questions on in the semifinals.

The topics for this year are

1. Ports of the World
2. Birds and Animals of South America
3. Heads of States in the 21st Century
4. Sculptures and Statues

All semifinalists are encouraged to use the next couple of weeks to research on these topics, as they will play a rather significant role in the format of the semis. You may even find yourself earning a nickname like Songkran Maheshwar did (from the topic Festivals of Asia.) Or contribute to quizzing jargon as Solus Rex 2018 co-host Arun Hiregange did with Brodsky Face. (from the topic Winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature)

For all quizzers who aren’t part of the semifinals lineup, there is something in this for you too! The quizmasters Arun Hiregange and Thejaswi Udupa solicit guest questions on these topics, and the best questions, apart from being used with full credit in the semis, also stand to win book vouchers!

To contribute questions, please ping Thejaswi Udupa.

The qualifiers are:

1. Santosh Swaminathan – 35.75
2. Srinath Bhashyam – 28.50
3. Anustup Datta – 28.00
4. Preetham Upadhya – 27.50 (College)
5. Josyula Krishnamurthi – 26.75
6. Varun Rajiv – 24.75
7. Manu Sudhakar – 24.50
8. Debashree Mitra – 24.25

9. Arul Mani – 24.00
10. Ajay Parasuraman – 23.25
11. Ashwin Kumar – 22.75
12. Navin Rajaram – 22.50
13. Hrishikesh Varma – 22.00
14. Gautam Shenoy – 20.50
15. Keshav Athreya – 20.25
16. Suresh Ramasubramanian – 19.00

17. Venkatesh Srinivasan – 17.50
18. Rajagopal PS – 17.00
19. Balaji Subramanian – 16.75 (College)
20. Chandrakant Nair – 16.25
21. Praveen VR – 15.75
22. Kishore Rajendra – 15.50 (College)
23. Rishiraj Shanmuganandan – 14.75
24. Vivek Karthikeyan – 14.00
25. Sriram Burgula – 14.00 (College)

Results of quizzes held on March 11 and April 1

Here are the results of the two college quizzes conducted by the KQA on the 11th of March, 2018:

The XXIII Vidyasagar Rajan Memorial Inter-collegiate quiz, set by Manish Achutha, Abhishek Upadhya and Nishanth Raman:

I – Preetham, Ritvik and Bhargav, PES University
II – Sri Ram, Pratheek and Kunal, Christ University
III – Noaman, Drishaj and team, NLSIU

The KQA Collegiate Solo Championship, set by Sohan Maheshwar and Santosh Swaminathan:

I – Preetham, PES University
II – Kunal, Christ University
III – Adit, IISc

Thanks to all who turned up (and to Titash, for the informal sports quiz he conducted in the morning), and congratulations to all the winners.

Here are the results of quizzes held on the first of April.

The Karnataka Quiz, by Kaustuba Venugopal and Lingaraj

I – Sachin Deshpande and Sharath Babu – 19
II – Sumanth Jayaramaiah and Keerthan G – 16
III – Rajat Upadhyaya and Jayannt Upadhyaya -14

Lao Me Thanda, by Aditi Surendra and Thejaswi Udupa

I – Santosh Swaminathan and Arun Hiregange – 170
II – Lakshana Kripash and Praveen VR – 115
III – Sachin Deshpande and Sharath Babu – 105

The KQA Music Quiz, by Arjun Mohan and Berty Ashley

I – Aditi Surendra, Debanjan Bose, Santosh Swaminathan, Thejaswi Udupa – 280
II – Sreyashi Dastidar, Rajesh Radhakrishnan, Sethumadhavan, Abhishek Upadhya – 160
III – Nishanth Raman, Bhargava EM, Rajagopal PS, Sanskaar – 150

Congratulations to all the winners!

Magister 2017

Magister 2017 is a solo quiz contest with collegiate and open tracks that will be held on Sunday, 29 January 2017 in Bengaluru, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Mumbai, New Delhi, Tezpur, Vellore, Baroda, Mohali, Pune, Mysuru, Raipur, Thrissur, Kochi, Warangal, Goa, Kolkata, Manipal, Kanpur, Pondicherry and Shillong.

The quiz will require takers to answer one hundred questions off a PowerPoint presentation from 11 am to 1 pm on Sunday, 29 January 2017 (with earlier starts in some venues). The quiz is the result of a partnership between the Karnataka Quiz Association and SJC Quizzers, the quiz club at St. Joseph’s College, Bangalore.

The setters are Prof. Rajeev Gowda, Arul Mani, Prithwiraj Mukherjee, Nagaratna ‘Partikal’ Patil, Avinash Thirumalai (in sublimated form), Rijul Ballal, Chirag Chittar and Abhijith Raghu.

Why Magister?
Once upon a time, every open quiz would have a sizeable college contingent in attendance and the Open circuits of India’s quizzing cities throve on the energy and dash of college quizzing. In many cities, though not all, this is a thing of the past. Which is not good news for open quizzing, or, indeed, for quizzing.

The simple idea behind Magister is to bring together the two rapidly diverging streams of quizzing–College and Open. The setters are college and open quizzers. The quiz has college and open tracks for competition. The questions themselves are an attempt to start up something of a conversation between open and collegiate quizzing.

You could thus say that what we want to see is a form of a Re-Open-ed Quizzing.

But what the Deccan is a Magister?
Magister comes from the Latin for mastery. That said, we must clarify that we are interested in more than quizzing as simple, masculine achievement.

The term magis is used in Jesuit thought to indicate the spirit of doing more, or giving more of oneself. For us, this name draws some attention to the happily out-of-syllabus character of quizzing. And indeed to the primary joy of quizzing, which is that of refusing to be a passive recipient of information, and choosing instead to celebrate an active curiosity in the world.

The persons who win this title in the college and open tracks will embody this idea better than our words can.

If you’ve enjoyed open quizzing, support this venture by turning up and taking part!

Register here

On-the-spot entries will be accepted in Bengaluru, and at the proctor’s discretion in other cities.

The Bengaluru venue is Xavier Hall, St. Joseph’s College (PG Block), Langford Road. Please text 9731214519 if you have any questions.



Pushups–The 2016 Rankings

These rankings will be updated after each session of Push-ups for Muscular Success.

Rankings are determined by total scores. DNA signifies Did Not Appear.


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Pushups for Muscular Success 23 July

Pushups for Muscular Success II

The second Pushups for this season  will be held at 3 pm on Saturday, 23 July 2016, at Loyola Hall, Auditorium Block, St. Joseph’s College, Langford Road.

 Push-ups are a set of 75 questions which you answer in writing in 60 minutes. They were thought up as a way of getting people interested in solo quizzing.

You can try the previous edition here, and click separately for the answers.

Results for Pushups I

19 hardy individuals sat for the inaugural quiz Pushups of 2016. Ashwin Kumar won with a score of 33.5. Pipping Rajagopal PS who made 33. Santosh Swaminathan made 30.5. Nikhil took the College Prize, and Bhargavi won the Women’s Prize with 10 points.

Push-ups for Muscular Success II at 2 pm ( Entry fee: Rs. 50/-)
Date: Saturday,  23 July 2016
Venue: Loyola Hall, Auditorium Block, St. Joseph’s College, Langford Road.
Open to all, with prizes for winners in school, college, ladies and open categories.
Prior registration is very useful, if you want copies of the questions and such.
Please register here by 12 noon, 23 July.

Pushups for Muscular Success 2016

The Pushups for Muscular Success sequence will restart this weekend, post a much-needed sanity-break following ASKQANCE and other jollities.

The inaugural Pushups for this season (and the seventh of its number otherwise) will be held at 2 pm on Saturday, 9 July 2016, at the Humanities Block (III Floor), St. Joseph’s College, Langford Road.

For those who are wondering what all this is about, the Push-ups are a set of 75 questions which you answer in writing in 60 minutes. The Push-ups were thought up as a way of getting people interested in solo quizzing, and in taking part regularly in a short quizzing activity that involves some intelligent guesswork.

Push-ups for Muscular Success I at 2 pm ( Entry fee: Rs. 50/-)
Date: Saturday, 9 July 2016
Venue: III Floor, Humanities Block, St. Joseph’s College, Langford Road.
Open to all, with prizes for winners in school, college, ladies and open categories.
Prior registration is very useful, if you want copies of the questions and such.
Please register here: 

World Quizzing Championships on Saturday 4 June 2016

The 2016 edition of the World Quizzing Championships will be held in Bangalore on Saturday, 4 June 2016. The venue is the Command Hospital Auditorium, Bangalore. As this is part of an Air Force campus, it is advised that you carry some form of ID with you. Also note that the entrance to Command Hospital will be from Cambridge Road and not HAL Airport Road.

The event will commence at 3 pm, and requires the taker to attempt two packs of questions. Each pack contains four topics, and the taker is allowed an hour in which to attempt the questions–thus two hours for writing, and an extra hour for corrections and so on. The quiz is open to solo contestants, of all ages.

KQA will provide prizes for the top 5 finishers in the Open category,  and top 2 finishers in College, School (up to Std XII) and Ladies categories. In addition, each of the eight topic winners will get a book coupon. An entry fee will be collected at the venue to recover photocopying costs.

Please register ASAP using the form provided below:

Read more

Norwegian Open 2016

The  Norwegian Open Quiz will be held on Saturday 2 April 2016.
Time: 11am start.
Venue: H-302, Third Floor, Humanities Block, St. Joseph’s College, Langford Road, Bangalore.
The Norwegian Open Quiz is an annual solo quiz in written form, set by the venerable Tore Dahl, and is great fun, especially when you scratch your head for the most Polish-sounding name you can think of, come up with Zbigniew Cybulski, and find out 30 minutes later that this, indeed, is the answer.
The quiz will consist of 250 questions – all counting – divided into 10 categories, 5 categories in each half of the quiz.
This year’s edition will be proctored by Nagaratna Patil whose nickname Partikal should alert you the fact that she is always on time.
Start 11 am. Should be done by 1:30 pm, inclusive of corrections.
KQA will give out prizes, as usual, for top five scores, and prizes for best school, college and lady entrants.
There will be an entry fee of Rs. 100 per person to cover costs. Please register beforehand, as this allows us to make just the right number of photocopies. And to organise seating. Register at:

Open Quizzes on Sunday, 10 May 2015

We will be holding three quizzes on Sunday, May 10, 2015 at the office of Ujjivan Financial Services, Koramangala.

Sense a Femur
The Annual KQA Humour Quiz

QMs: Santosh Swaminathan & Arul Mani

Written for Teams of two
Regn. Fee Rs 100/team
Starts at 9:45 AM (please be on time, since we have a tight schedule!)

May Open Quiz

QMs: Siddarth Pai, Rohit Rao and Jayadev Bhaskaran

Teams of four or less
Prelims followed by finals
Regn. Fee Rs 100/team
Prelims starts at 1130 AM

What? A solo quiz. Questions appear on screen, you write the answers down on a piece of paper.
QMs:  Thejaswi Udupa, Kiran Vijayakumar, Priyambad Pattanayak, Navin Rajaram, G. Krishnamurthi, J. Krishnamurthi, Jayashree Mohanka, Balakrishnan Satyam and Annie Sengupta.

60 questions, 120 minutes. Expect short/not-so-long questions with quite a few visuals.
Starts at 3 PM sharp; the Bengaluru leg will be proctored by Thejaswi Udupa and Navin Rajaram. Please note that it’s a coordinated start time across the country.

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